Six advances in the digital sector of the EU in 2018
Discover everything that Parliament did in 2018 to improve its online experience.

End of the geographic blockade:
On December 3, regulations aimed at finally blocking the obstacles to certain articles became effective, so that consumers and consumers can buy goods and services on the same terms from any point in the EU. The MEPs approved the regulation on February 6, 2018.
The new regulations will cover purchases of tangible products such as furniture and electronic devices, online services such as web page hosting or content storage, and also the purchase of tickets to shows, shows and other types of leisure activities.
Improvements to package deliveries in the EU:
The plenary of the European Parliament endorsed in March the parliamentary report sores a regulation that seeks to make the cross-border market for the delivery of packages in the EU more transparent and competitive. The goal is to reduce barriers to electronic commerce and favor consumers and electronic retailers. The new regulation came into force in May 2018.
Online content from anywhere in the EU:
53% of Europeans watch films and series online more than once a week. Since April 2018 they can do so also if they are in another EU country. The rules on so-called “portability”, applicable in all Member States, allow consumers and consumers to take all online audiovisual services for what they pay within the community territory.
Free wireless connection in public spaces:
The aim of the WIFI4EU initiative is, by 2020, that 6,000 communities throughout the EU have free high-speed wireless connections. Libraries, hospitals, parks or train stations are the direct beneficiaries. To date, there have been 21,700 municipalities.
The granting of the subsidies was announced in December and the installation of the necessary infrastructure for the connection will be carried out in 2019.
Cheaper calls and 5G connection:
Calls to other countries of the Union will be limited to 19 cents per minute and the cost of text messages will be maximum 6 cts as of May 15, 2019, in accordance with the new regulations approved by Parliament on November 14.
Data protection:
The new EU data protection rules, which began to take effect on May 25, guarantee confidentiality on the Internet. The purpose of the new regulation is to give more control to its citizens about their private data and include the right to receive information about how they will be used, as well as to erase content that they do not want to continue to be visible.