The overall objective of Europe Direct-Lugo is to offer information about the communication priorities of the Commission, to participate in debate and discussion with the public following the European agenda in a national, regional and local context, by promoting active European citizenship, and to contribute to the development of a European public space.
Specific aims:

- To promote exchanges, dialogue and understanding between European institutions, local public opinion, the people of Lugo and certain specialised audiences on a national, regional and local European scale.
- To provide the public with a more open dialogue, through which they can express their views to influence the decision-making process at an EU level.
- Encourage the participation of the general public in European democratic life, especially by creating channels for young people and the school community to be become active European citizens.
- Open the agenda of European institutions to the public, to contribute to the process of drawing up policies and adding value to the EU legislative process.
- To become actively integrated in the networks that have dialogue and debate about Europe as part